As an adult, the House Sparrow mostly feeds on the seeds of grains and weeds, but it is opportunistic and adaptable, and eats whatever foods are available. It can perform complex and unusual tasks to obtain food, such as opening automatic doors to enter supermarkets, clinging to hotel walls to watch vacationers on their balconies, and nectar robbing kowhai flowers. In common with many other birds, the House Sparrow requires grit to digest the hard seeds in its diet. Grit can be either stone, often grains of masonry, or the shells of eggs or snails; oblong and rough grains are preferred. Several studies of the House Sparrow in temperate agricultural areas have found the proportion of seeds in its diet to be about 90 percent. It will eat almost any seeds, but where it has a choice, it prefers oats and wheat. In urban areas, the House Sparrow feeds largely on food provided directly or indirectly by humans, such as bread, though it prefers raw seeds. The House Sparrow also eats berries and fruits, and it can survive without water in arid areas by ingesting moisture from berries. In temperate areas, the House Sparrow has an unusual habit of tearing flowers, especially yellow ones, in the spring. Animals form another important part of the House Sparrow's diet, chiefly insects, of which beetles, caterpillars, dipteran flies, and aphids are especially important. Various non-insect arthropods are eaten, as are molluscs and crustaceans where available, earthworms, and even ...
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Video shows an in-flight attack of an osprey by a red-winged blackbird. Also shows Osprey diving after fish, feeding nestlings, tearing food apart, swooping, calling, defending nest, responding to intruders, protecting nestlings, nestling, flying and other characteristics of their lives. In one part of the video, the osprey carries a large chunk of fish in its talons. In other parts, osprey can be seen diving for prey. The osprey can fly to from Venezuela to Ohio in 2 weeks. It can fly at 60 mph and can cover 600 miles in one day. The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is also called the fish eagle, seahawk, or fish hawk. It is a huge fish-eating predator. This raptor is 24 in. in length, has a 6 ft. wingspan, and can weigh up to almost 5 lbs. Its head is white with a dark mask across the eyes that reaches to the sides of the neck. The irises of its eyes are golden to brown with a transparent bale blue nictitating membrane. It is whitish on the head and underparts with a brownish eyepatch and wings. It has a very complicated call, as shown here-with a large vocabulary of sounds. Its calls include sharp whistles, and a sort of shreek. In this video, as boaters approached the nest, the birds gave a great variety of calls. The Osprey can arch its wings, which gives it a gull type appearance. Ospreys normally mate for life and live 20-25 years. In heraldry, the Osprey is depicted as a white eagle. It is featured on 50 postage stamps. In mythology, a king became a sea eagle to attack ...
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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