
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Instructional Horsemanship: BTSR Cavalcade Trek Shakedown Inventory

Comment and tell me what I've forgotten. The list is here in the description. Personal Gear to Include: 2-1 quart water bottles Long sleeve shirt Bandana Rain coat Snacks Personal Meds Gloves Cap Map Sun shades Small Flashlight 1 pair extra socks Pocket knife (multi tools are good) Sun screen Insect repellant toothbrush toothpaste Camera Cell Phone (1% coverage cingular/altel) Swim suit Please Dont Bring: Deodorant Pillows Blow up matresses Sheath knives Horses Llamas Avian Flu Note: It seems to work best when cavalcaders bring 2 bags and 2 bedrolls, one for base camp and one for cavalcade. If you'll load your cavalcade gear in a backpack you can bring your stuff to the corralls and store the pack for the week in the barn. This also helps in keeping things separate and easily tidied.

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