
Wednesday, 15 August 2012

진심~ ALL MY HEART MV Super Junior

Intro: Shake it Up live 진심 ( ALL MY HEART ) MV Ending: Shake it up Live This MV is really really sad so please prepare a tissue box. cuz I needed one..T^T.. I'm gonna add a short parody to shake it up...soon and I'll actually provide a real translation and korean lyrics for all my heart no copyright infringement intended..for entertainment purposes..all copyrights belong to orginal owners: SM, super junior...etc

How To Make A Rice Crispy Sticks Bouquet
This is a beautiful bouquet of rice crispie sticks. They are all decorated with icing, individually wrapped and arranged inside a flower pot with decorative bow. Its perfect for any baby shower! SUPPLY LIST: •Baby Shape Cookie Cutters •Rice Crispy Cereal •Marshmallows •Butter •Parchment wax paper •Oil To Coat Cookie Cutters With •Icing That Sets Up Dry & Firm •Candy Decorating Pen •Bamboo Skewers •Flower Pot with Foam •Tissue Paper •Decorative Bow For Pot •Clear Cellophane Party Bags With Twist Ties •Roll of Ribbon
Video Rating: 4 / 5